Since baseball season is quickly approaching, I decided to rerun a feature I did last year. Originally it ran in late March but I am hoping to do something new to open the season and I didn't want the two things to collide. I am still working out what I might do though I know this Line Up can not be topped so this is a one time thing.
This is still one of my favorite features. Again much thanks to the author's for their time and wonderful answers.
The Line Up1
Change-up: Baseball Poems by
Gene Fehler SS -
This was my 2009
Cybils choice for poetry. Check out this nice review at
My World - Mi Mundo. Baseball fans will love this collection of poems.

Keeping Score by
Linda Sue Park 1st
In this novel there is talk of the classic 1951 pennant race between the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants. For baseball fans that should be more than enough reason to pick up this wonderful book.
Reviews via author's site

Mudville by
Kurtis Scaletta 2nd
12 yr old Roy was one of my favorite male protagonist of 2009. I loved that he read Their Eyes Where Watching God to impress a girl. Named a top 10 sports books for youth in 2009 by Booklist. More
honors and reviews via author's site

The Brooklyn Nine by
Alan Gratz CF
I had picked this novel to get a shiny Newbery sticker and I wasn't the only one. Named a top 10 sports books for youth in 2009 by Booklist
Reviews via the author's site

The Prince of Fenway Park by
Julianna Baggott RF
This was my Cybils choice MG Fantasy for 2009 and a
Cybils finalist.
Reviews via author's site. For all the baseball fans who love the history of the game the author mentions
Curt Flood. Curt Flood named in a middle grade novel, I was like WOW

Six Innings by
James Preller 3rd
Preller doesn't waste time with the regular season. He goes straight to the Little League championship game. Named a top 10 sports book in 2008 by Booklist . Also in 2008 made New York Public Library Top 100 Best Books for Reading and Sharing List. 2009 ALA Children's Notable Book

The Comeback Season by
Jennifer E. Smith LF
I couldn't find contact info on Smith but I wasn't going to give up. If you've read this book you know why.
Praise via publishers site. I have author
James Kennedy to thank for getting me in touch with Smith.

Painting the Black by
Carl Deuker C
I find it very fitting that Deuker the veteran for sports novels for young readers is behind the plate. He has won six state awards. If you are in need of a great sport novel check out
Deuker's site

The Girl Who Threw Butterflies by
Mick Cochrane P
Reviews via author's site. One of four spring books recommended for young readers by
USA Today in 2009. I still remember the beautiful Haiku in this novel.

Here's how its going to work. I asked the authors 12 questions. The first nine questions are inspired by their books. The final three wrap up questions I thought of tie it all together. It will be broken up into 4 days, 3 questions a day.
I love the gender balance amongst the authors and within the stories themselves. This is more so for baseball fans but I do hope everyone gets something out of it. I hope that non baseball fans will have a better appreciation and respect for novels centered around sports after reading all the answers.
If you know any baseball fan please let them know about this. It's rated PG and appropriate for young baseball fans who may get a kick out of finding out the favorite teams of nine authors and other baseball related tidbits
Older fans will love the talk of the game and being able to a find few great books to share with young baseball fans.
Questions 1 -3Questions 4-6Questions 7-9Questions 10-12