Thankfully Meminger took control - when is now.
Her second YA novel Jazz in Love, official release date was Monday. Shine Coconut Moon was published by McElderry Books an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Meminger self published Jazz in Love. Self publishing isn't new. Though I think most authors would prefer to be published and supported by a house.
Unfortunately that is not always an option for authors of color. Even if their first novel is well received. With the low number of YA authors of color being published, I know I should be pro self publishing but I am still very wary. Some books are rejected for a reason.
I will always be one of those people, that has doubts about self published authors.* However, I will never question an author after they've already established what they can do. I knew what Neesha Meminger could do. Jazz in Love being self published was secondary. All I cared about was the story. I am not the only one to feel that way.

For her second novel, Meminger has chosen to join the growing indie publishing movement, and the impressive quality of writing and design that characterizes Jazz in Love bodes well for authors with unique stories who choose to go with small presses or strike out on their own.
Jazz in Love is a breathtaking short read about a girl who wants to follow her own pad, with parents that want her to follow theirs. I loved Neesha's first novel Shine, Coconut Moon, so I was excited to hear she had a new novel coming up. I thought this book was amazing and fun to read. Jazz is just the perfect narrator of the book and you just immediately like her. And she has just the best friends in Pammi and Cindy. A fun new YA between cultures, just read it!
The Rejectionist
But, like Neesha's first YA novel Shine, Coconut Moon, Jazz in Love also tells a universal story about finding your own way in the world. Anyone who knows what it's like to have a totally different vision for your own life than your parents' idea of what's best, or who's felt way too strongly about someone way too sketchy, will see something of themselves in Jazz. Wisecracking, huge-hearted Jazz is as fabulous a protagonist as they come, and it's impossible to come away from this stellar sophomore novel without being head over heels in love with her yourself.
Since the author sent me an advanced reader copy, and was kind enough to mention me in her acknowledgements. I thought I'd be one of the first bloggers to post a review. Nope, my forthcoming review will not even be the fourth or the fifth. Everyone forgets to put their reviews on amazon. I thought I had a good chance at that. Nope, Jill beat me to it.
With every new review I think crap, someone is going to say what I was going to say. Or touch upon simliar points. That has yet to happen .
Jazz in Love is a wonderful story. It's nice to see it get postive reviews early. In case you missed it, I did say the author mentions me in the acknowledgements.
Though this is not for that. I will always do a little extra for authors I believe in that decide to take a chance and self publish. It can't be an easy decision to make. I hope this post will encourage a few people to give Jazz in Love (only $11.00) a chance.
Even with all this extra blogger love, Jazz in Love did not get to skip the review queue. It had to wait its turn. I will posting my review sometime this week.
Edi interviews the author @ Crazy Quilts
Google preview via Powells books
*I may have doubts but I am always willing to give a self published book a chance.
Oh I really liked Shine Coconut Moon so am going to look into this one for sure!
The acknowledgments, mentioning SIX bloggers, was so nice!!!
Jazz in Love is a GREAT romance!! I hope your readers will promote it on their blogs, read it, share it, request it at the public libraries... Remember, this one will have to sell by word of mouth so we've got to 'talk the talk'!
Shine Coconut Moon and Jazz in Love both look like interesting books - I'll have to add them to my reading stack. I look forward to reading your review of Jazz in Love.
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