All the children's and young adult awards were given out on Monday. Two of the winners Jordan Sonnenblick and Eric Velasquez were at author James Preller's recently launched site
If you have a moment stop by the Purple Ladybugs Reading Club and say hello to Ms. S and the Ladybugs
Also checkout the newly launched Diversity in YA blog. It was started by YA author Malinda Lo and Cindy Pon.
Primary Source, will have an online live chat about Bamboo People by Mitali Perkins on January 19th.

Even if you can't do the online chat, I still highly recommend Bamboo People. It was named one of the top ten fiction titles for Young Adults. I am loving the overall diversity within the top ten. Five of the ten feature a diverse cast of characters.
This week, I skipped my on sale now, new releases on Tuesday, since I posted my list 2011 titles I am looking forward to on Sunday. The list was long and a lot to take in, so I decided to forgo the on sale now feature for one week.
I recently finished I Beat the Odds by Micheal Oher. Oher is the football player featured in Micheal Lewis, The Blindside. The book will be released Feb. 8 and I plan on reviewing it closer to the release date. For now I'll say I really liked it. I thought, I Beat the Odds would have teen crossover appeak, and it does. I am glad that Oher got a chance to tell his story.
Oher plays for the Baltimore Ravens. The Ravens have a playoff game against the Steelers today. I really hope the Ravens win because Ben Roethlisberger, the Steelers QB makes me want to spit. Roethlisberger has never been charged with anything, but he was suspended for six games without pay. For a big name QB to get suspended that long without pay says a lot. So Go Ravens.
The adult book, I am reading right now is Snowman by Jo Nesbo. I've been meaning to read Nesbo, since I like Swedish mystery authors. Not Larsson. I am not a fan of the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I like Mankell and Wahloo and Sjowell . So far Snowman is very good.
I'm with you on Roethlisberger. And why is it that Michael Vick gets scorned as a sleeze but not so much Roethlisberger?
Bamboo People was one of my favorites from last year. I keep trying to get my students to read it
Jill - We were just talking about that at work today.
What Vick did was very wrong. But unlike Roethisberger, Vick hasn't done it again. Roethisberger has been charged twice, in the same year.
Helen - Bamboo People was one of my favorite novels from last year as well.
Oooh, Bamboo People sounds like it may need to be added to my tbr list! Great post:)
See I don't agree about Vick vs. Roethisberger. Call me a cynic, but I think it has more to do with Vick being black and Roeth. being white, and Vick hurting dogs (innocent victims) and Roeth. hurting women (seen as "sluts who were asking for it")
Lindsay - I read Bamboo People after hearing many great things about it and the book lived up to the high praise.
Jill - I agree everything you said plays into why the two are treated differently.
Also Roeth. is forgiven because he wins. Top Male athletes are allowed to get away with so much as long as they win
Bamboo People was one of my very favorites ot 2010. We have a Skype visit with Mitali in a couple of weeks.
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