Monday, October 5, 2009

Bad Apple Laura Ruby

Bad Apple by Laura Ruby
16yr old Tola Riley is an artist and is in the middle of a scandal. Tola's, art teacher Mr. Mymer is accused of having taking advantage of her. An accidental run in was captured on video and the art teacher is suspended. Tola must continue to go to school and face the gossip. She does her best to tell people nothing happened. Though everyone is so busy trying to protect her no one will listen. Bad Apple is a pretty straightforward story, with no unexpected turns. I think that's part of its strength, the author doesn't try to keep the readers interest with unnecessary surprises. Tola carries the book fine on her own. I loved her voice its honest, venerable, funny and realistic. Bad Apple has a quiet goodness and is very good. Bad Apple is one of those books I don't truly appreciate how well all the elements fit together until a few days after I've finished it. Ages 13up
An excerpt

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