Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Brooklyn Nine Alan Gratz

Sunday, May 24, 2009
M+O 4EVR Tonya Hegamin

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Go Read This Right Now
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Shining Star: The Anna May Story Paula Yoo Lin Wang

If you've never done so, check out LeeandLow books, publishers of multicultural children's books. I love their site, its very easy to maneuver. Once you click on a title of interest, there is an extensive synopsis. As well as interest and reading level. They link to any review and comments. Which I love because its means one less search. Also there is almost always an interview with the author about the book.
Also I want to point out another publisher of multicultural children's literature that I learned about over at Color Online just yesterday. Shen Books emphasizes cultural diversity with a focus on introducing children to the cultures of Asia.
Gringolandia by Lyn Miller-Lachmann

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
C.O.R.A Diversity Roll Call

So I spent the first few days thinking about what book to choose. Growing up I don't remember there being picture books in the house. Though my dad was always reading, he kept a few NF titles in the house. He also read at least two newspapers a day. Usually the NYT and the Amsterdam News. So reading was such a natural thing to do. I finally decided to go with The Frog and Toad Treasury by Arnold Lobel. I just have warm memories about the Frog and Toad books. I always enjoyed what good friends they where to each other. Frog always thought of Toad first and vice versa. They also listened to each other. Sometimes when I hear other peoples conversations, I'll noticed a person isn't really listening but rather waiting for their turn to speak again. Frog and Toad could try new things without having to worry about being laughed at or feeling embarrassed. The Frog and Toad stories teach kindness and patience. They went for walks a lot probably because they were a frog and a toad. Still its nice to think child may want talk a walk or plant a garden, because they read a Frog and Toad story. Since the characters are animals I never associated them with a particular race. They were simply a frog and a toad. That's probably one of the things I enjoyed about the series growing up. Check out the books you can win for simply participating in C.O.R.A Diversity Roll Call or The Diversity Rocks Challenge If you win you'll get 5 books Look Free Books
Book Contest Enter to Win 9 Titles
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Paul Robeson Eloise Greenfield

She Won I'll Cheer for a Philly but not the Phillies
A Philly, Rachel Alexandra won the race. She is the first Philly to win the Preakness since 1924. Usually only Stallions race. And still the drama contiunes earlier this month the Kentucky Derby was won by Mind That Bird. The odds of this horse winning was 50 -1. I don't know what was worse the horse's odds of winning or his name. Mind that Bird's Jockey for the Derby was Calvin Borel. Even though Mind That Bird won, shocking everyone Borel decided to jump horses and ride Rachel Alexandra for the Preankness. So check out the race if you like, and you never know what my sports post will come in handy for trivia.
I am really glad the Philly won because now I have an excuse to post this.
And if you have it in you to watch one more clip check out the Derby race. Its pretty cool to see Mind that Bird come come from the way back. I always love it when you can hear the surprise in an announcer's voice. Sports announcers have seen pretty much everything so its great when the unexpected happens, and their voices go all high and the fan comes out.
Finally, a late add where I pull it back to the book - The Last Black King of the Kentucky Derby by Crystal Hubbard is the story of Jimmy Winkfield the last African American to win the Kentucky Derby. Its a great book with wonderful illustrations. My review
Friday, May 15, 2009
Me With You Kristin Dempsey Christopher Denise

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Nikki & Deja Karen English Laura Freeman

I and I Bob Marley Tony Medina Jesse Joshua Watson

This book is published by Lee and Low Books - On their website there's a wonderful interview with the author and illustrator about the book. You should check it out. Oh wait here it is -
Tony Medina and Jesse Joshua Watson on I and I Bob Marley
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lucy the Giant Sherri L. Smith

Diversity Roll Call/ Win Free Books not 1 but 5

A la Carte by Tanita Davis - 17 yr old Lainey dreams of having her own vegetarian cooking show. I love the fact that Lainey is Black but the author doesn't try to do anything to prove this,she just is who she is. The fact that Lainey is Black doesn't have any bearing on this story or her dreams.
Finally The Making of Dr. TrueLove by Derrick Barnes. Diego is trying to figure out a way to win his girlfriend back. Diego's best friend convinces him to take on an online relationship persona. Susan and Edi, like it or not you must agree it has nothing to do with race.
Free Books
Ali is upping the book giveaway to get more people to participate with Roll Call and Diversity Rocks. Up for grabs two sets of five books. One set by Latino authors and the second set by Asian authors. And if you win you don't get one book but all five. Yes people, you can win five books for simply doing a few Roll Calls or linking a few diverse titles. So go check out what titles could be yours for the low low price of free. Diversity Rocks
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Blog Award

Monday, May 11, 2009
Being Nikki Meg Cabot

Eyes Like Stars Lisa Mantchev

"Beatrice Shakespeare Smith is not an actress, yet she lives in a theater. She's not an orphan, but she has no parents. She knows every part, but she has no lines of her own. Until now. Welcome to the Théâtre Illuminata, where the characters of every play ever written can be found behind the curtain. They were born to play their parts, and are bound to the Théâtre by The Book--an ancient and magical tome of scripts. Bertie is not one of them, but they are her family--and she is about to lose them all and the only home she has ever known."
It sounded strange and different, just the type of book I would love. 17 yr old Beatrice has grown up in Theatre Illuminata but now she must prove her worth or she will be put out on the street. Beatrice decides to become a director and she has less than a week to put on a play. I don't even have the words to tell you how lovely this book is. Mactchev has filled this books with some very interesting characters. There are the four Midsummer Nights fairies who stay close to Beatrice throughout the book. All the fairies are male except one. There's also the young pirate Nate, who Beatrice like. For protection Nate convinces Beatrice to wear a scrimshaw charm around her neck. When Beatrice touches the charm she can see the true intention behind any ones word. Eyes Like Stars is beautifully different like James Kennedy's Order of the Odd Fish. I loved the rhythm of Eyes Like Stars, at the end there's a play within a play and it works so well. Manctchev writing is wonderful. I happily and easily lost myself in Eyes Like Stars. I highly recommend it. Ages 12up The book will be released in July.
While you wait if check out
The Order of Odd-Fish by James Kennedy - Another beautifully different book, I loved.
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson - I really enjoyed this . Not so different like the other two but still far from common. Like Eyes Like Stars Suite Scarlett as a play and some drama.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Knights of the Hill Country Tim Tharp

"Every game this season, the pressure weighed down more and more. It was carrying around a sack full of rocks, only every time you got to thinking you could lay it down, someone would throw another sack full of bigger rocks up on top of you. If we could keep it going this would be Kennisaw's fifth undefeated season in a row. For thirty some years, no knights team had strung together that many wins, and them old-time players from back then was still heroes around the hill country of eastern Oklahoma. More than just.hereos, they were flat out legends"
Hampton understands at the end of the season, his team will either be legends or weighed down for life by one loss. This book is about so much more than football. Tharp gives us all the sides of Hampton. He's a star on the football field but doesn't let it go to his head. He is quiet guy, who has trouble finding the right answers in class or the right words for girls. He's loyal to his best friend Blaine and his father, even though it might time to for some distance. He likes Sara, a girl his friends wouldn't approve of.
"But the way she looked at me, it was like she seen something in me nobody else did. I wasn't sure what it was she seen, but it felt good, like stepping out on the porch on a summer morning and its already warm. A whole new day waiting on you. Course, that wasn't something I could tell her. I could bowl over a hundred blockers and plow down quarterback after quarterback, but I couldn't hardly say two words to this little five foot four inch tall girl."
Tharp has written a wonderful story about change, consequences and choices. I highly recommand The Knights of the Hill Country. There is so much to love about it. Ages 11up
Q&A with Tharp
Bookslut in Training review
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Lemonade War Jacqueline Davies

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Say Hey, Happy Birthday Willie Mays
Two middle grade reads Willie Mays is mentioned in,
Keeping Score by Linda Sue Park
The Prince of Fenway Park by Julianna Baggott
On a related note, I believe I pulled something in my throat cheering for my team tonight. Pitching duels are great unless its your team. When its your team its hard to, breathe, talk or watch. The later the game goes without a score the churning in your stomach will not be ignored. Its even harder when its against a divisional rival. My Mets where playing the Phillies. If you know nothing about baseball its along the lines of Cubs/Cardinals, or Yankees/Red Sox. If those two references don't help, I am sorry there is nothing I can do for you. Any how in the 7th inning it was still scoreless. The Mets were playing at home, and the home team always bats last in the inning, that way the home team gets the last up in the game. (A part of home field advantage) Bottom of 7th, Mets first baseball Delgaldo gets a leadoff walkout. The next two players are out quickly. So its two outs and a man on first. Tatis, a pitch hitter (PH) is up to bat, he hits a weak ball to the Phillies 3rd baseman. The 3rd baseman should've ate the ball (not thrown it ) because he was not going to make the play. Instead he rushes the play and throws it over the first baseman. Allowing Delgado to score from first. Delgado is not young, and his knees are not the best. They are no where near Kirk Gibson territory but still for Delgado to score from first on an error throw with two outs in the bottom of the seventh in a scoreless game , against a rival team that won the World Series last year, is definitely worth a primal deep down scream that threatens my vocal cords. And of course the Mets won, if they didn't I wouldn't have posted this. So I'll go to sleep tonight with a sore throat but it was totally worth it. If you've read this entire post and you're not a baseball fan congrats. You never know it may come in handy for trivia one day. I need some tea
Willie Mays may not have a chocolate bar named after him, but there is this jazzy song.
Enter to Win Perfect Chmeistry

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Entomological Tales of Augustus T. Percival

Ghost Town Richard W. Jennings.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
More About Me.
Friday, May 1, 2009
A Strong Right Arm Michelle Green

C.O.R.A Diversity Roll Call

I recently finished The Eye of Jade by Diane Wei Liang Its set in 90's Beijing Mei Wang a former police officer is now a private investigator. You may not know this about me but I love mysteries. P.I. ones are some of my favorites especially ones with female progtaginist. Mei Wang is a smart and independent woman who doesn't worry about what other people think. She hired a male assistant from the country which is very unheard of. A close family friend Uncle Chen hires Mei to find jade that was supposedly destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. Eye of Jade is a great modern day mystery that touches upon China's history. Mei Wang has all the important characteristics of a P.I. The author, Diane Wei Lang was born in China and spent part of her childhood with her parents in a China labor camp.