Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Something Like Hope - Shawn Goodman

Something Like Hope by Shawn Goodman
17 yr old Shavonne has been living in juvenile detention centers since junior high. When the story begins Shavonne is getting in trouble for fighting with one of the guards. She's also meeting her new counselor, Mr Delpoplo for the first time. It takes time but Mr Delpoplo but is the first adult Shavonne as trusted in awhile.

Shavonee is dealing with a lot, including regret and loss. Her mother is addicted to drugs and her fathers in jail and that's why she isn't with her parents. I simply don't remember the author stating why Shavonne was sent to JDC in the first place.

When Shavonee describes the hardships she has or is facing it simply feels like she's going through the motions. When she or one of the other girls cursed, the words didn't fit in their mouths. It felt as if choice words were added because it was expected. A few of the guards abuse their power, Ms. Choi is the worst offender. I found many of these scenes unbelievable.

This came at the end of last year. I knew I wouldn't read it until I could borrow it from the library. I was simply not in a rush to read a YA novel featuring a Black protagonist living through a struggle. It didn't add anything new to what's already out.

Read an excerpt

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