I don't know how this Read In is going to turn out but I am really looking forward to it. Bleeding Violet was selected out of six titles. Yummy by G. Neri was also one of the six. Earlier in the year it was named a Coretta Scott King Honor.
On Monday The Cybils Winners were announced. Yummy won in the young adult graphic novel category . I thought thia transition was going to be a little smoother but I am still going to run with it.
On Monday The Cybils Winners were announced. Yummy won in the young adult graphic novel category . I thought thia transition was going to be a little smoother but I am still going to run with it.
I had the pleasure of being on the first round non fiction picture book Cybils panel. I enjoyed the experience and learned a lot.
Congraulations to Barbara Kerley author of The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According to Susy) Its a wonderfully different and engaging biography about Twain. I absolutely loved that Kerley had clearly defined fiction and non fiction lines. Edwin Fotheringham's illustrations are great and fit the text perfectly.
Congraulations to Barbara Kerley author of The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According to Susy) Its a wonderfully different and engaging biography about Twain. I absolutely loved that Kerley had clearly defined fiction and non fiction lines. Edwin Fotheringham's illustrations are great and fit the text perfectly.

Now in its third year Nerds Heart YA will continue to bring attention to books that have received less attention in the book blogging world.
Through a bracket style competition, judges who are passionate about getting more visibility for fantastic, under represented books will whittle down a shortlist of thirty two young adult novels until one ultimate winner is given the Nerds Heart YA sash and sceptre.
It’s not just about the winner though, Nerds Heart YA seeks to draw attention to all the books on the shortlist. The contest focuses specifically on books that in some way represent groups of people who are typically under represented in YA fiction. We hope that everyone who participates in this contest will find lots of new books to enjoy that will expand the diversity of their reading experience.
Last years winner was Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz. If you've never read this author, your seriously missing out. Saenz has some serious literary skills.

Thanks so much for mentioning NHYA.
I just started Bleeding Violet the other day - what an intriguing first chapter! Love it!
Jodie - just sad I dragged my feet and missed the deadline to be a judge again. I enjoy it last year. But I will be nominating.
Em - I hope you'll join us.
I'm sad I won't be able to join you for the read-in on Sunday, but I'm with you in spirit - I have about 50 pp. left in Bleeding Violet and I'm loving it! Thanks for bringing this book to my attention!
-Sam Bloom
Hey, Sam
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
I am sad you won't be able to join us either, the more people the better.
Glad you are enjoying Bleeding Violet. Thanks for taking a chance and leaving a comment.
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