Sunday, April 18, 2010

Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper

Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper
After reading how much other bloggers enjoyed this book, I picked it up again. First time in, I only got a few pages in before I stopped. This time around, I wondered what was I thinking, I almost missed a wonderful story.

11 yr old Melody is very smart but no one knows. No one knows her head is filled with many facts thanks to a photographic memory. Melody was born with cerebral palsy. She can't walk, feed herself and she has never spoken. Though Melody's body is not strong her mind is.

I loved Melody's voice -its funny, honest, strong, and powerful. When Melody is five years old her parents enroll in school . She is placed in the H- 6, aspecial needs class. I could easily feel Melody's frustrations at not being able to communicate. Draper writing is the best I've ever seen it The author isn't trying for sympathy, she's simply telling the story of a little girl. Melody has a wonderful support system, including her loving parents. Every so often Melody and the other students in H-6 got a teacher who actually listened.

Halfway through the novel something happens. I know its coming but I still got choked up. Draper caught my heart with this one.

Read the excerpt

Check out these more detailed reviews (they kept me from missing a great story) @


Becker said...

My post on this one will be going up tomorrow--I agree, not one to be missed! I have a librarian colleague with cp (not as severe as Melody's), she agrees that Draper got it right.

Els Kushner said...

I just finished this-- I read about it at Crazy Quilts, too. Really a terrific book. I hope it comes up for Schneider Family Book Award consideration.

[p.s. I've been reading & lurking for a while, but I think this is my first comment. So, hi!]

Charlotte said...

I loved this one too!

Anonymous said...

Yup, I almost gave up on it too and I'm so glad I didn't!

Glad you liked!

Els, nice to meet you!! LOL