Micah is a senior at a small alternative high school in NYC. She is the strange girl, the outcast, who tells nothing but lies. Outside of school, Micah as a secret relationship with Zach, one of the popular guys. After Zach's body is found in central park, Micah is a suspect. Zach murder's is the reason why Micah, after years of lying has finally decided to tell the truth. Micah sets out to tell the truth about herself, her relationship with Zach and where the lying began.
Larbalestier created mutlilayered and a hard to define character in Micah. Liars are bad. Micah is many things but bad isn't one of them. Liars should be hated. I never hated Micah, not even when she teased with the truth.
I was pulled in by Micah, I couldn't stop reading. Larbalestier writing captured and held me. The book took an expected turn that made me doubt what I thought I knew. Its not often that I am surprised outright, it gave me a wonderful thrill. Liar is unpredictable and very entertaining. I loved it. Micah is a character I will remember for a long time.
I know! It's been more than a month and I'm still thinking about it, too! I wonder why people are asking the author about the ending--didn't it seem clear to you?
The ending came together well for me and it was clear
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