Thursday, October 23, 2008
Homeless World Cup A Link
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dance with Me Charles R. Smith Jr Noah Z Jones

Wiggle, move, and
bounce with me
Move your body
to the beat
And I know I won't be the only one. Enjoy the dance
Clean-Up Tourettes
Monday, October 20, 2008
Shift Jennifer Bradbury

Time to share
Chris and Win fight
Somehow, from the first moment he hit, me I knew this was different from all the other little contests. Those had just been for bragging rights. But now I didn't just want to win, I wanted to defeat Win. Friendly rivalry had been left behind on the road, or maybe this desire was something I'd had all along and just ignored. This time I was fighting to learn who was actually stronger-the better man. And I was willing to risk losing to find out who that was. By now we were on how feet, deadlocked, heads down, chests heaving, waiting for an opening.
Shift was picked as a 10 top Youth sports book by Booklist. You have to log in to view the list so I am just going to piggy back off of author James Preller's post.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sugar Plum Ballerinas Whoopi Goldberg Deborah UnderWood Maryn Roos

Alexandrea Petrakova Johnson and her mother are moving from Georgia to New York. Alexandrea's mother loves the ballet (hence the middle name) and wants her daughter to love it. Alexandrea will be taking ballet at a Harlem Dance school. Alexandria dreams of becoming a speed skater not a ballerina. She quickly makes friends at dance school. Epatha who is constantly speaking in three languages, since she is part Italian and Puerto Rican. Brenda who talks backwards because Da Vinci did and wants to become a doctor. Terrel a great dancer. Goldberg's created very interesting, charming and funny characters. The ballet class will be putting on a play, Alexandrea is chosen as the Sugar Plum Fairy. Alexandrea is not happy about getting the lead, her new friends are jealous and she can't spin without getting dizzy. In the end everything is resolved. Goldberg's written a great story. Maryn Roos illustrations are very nice, each girl has an individual look. Roos also does a great job of creating the church hats Alexandrea's mom is famous for. Young girls will love the Sugar Plum Ballerina series. Its definitely reluctant reader friendly. Ballet fans will love all the dance references like barre, grand battlement and grand jete. There's a guide to ballet terms at the end of the story. Alexandrea has posters of famous African American ballet dancers on her bedroom walls Maria Tallchief Virginia Johnson and Janet Collins.
Time to share
Alexandrea talks to a mover
After I packed all my ballet stuff up I told one of the muscle men movers it would be okay if they lost that particular box. I even wrote lose this box on the side in purple felt pen in case they forgot. But when Aunt Jackie dropped us off at our apartment on 123st there it was, right on top of the mountain of moving boxes in our living room
Alexandrea walks into new dance class for the 1st time
The waiting room gets quiet when I walk in. A few girls sitting near the door snicker. I hang my jacket on one of the hooks lining the wall, head to the bench farthest from the snickering girls, and start to sit down. Then I remember the lighting bolts on my behind, they make a weird crinkling sound when you sit on them. I stay standing.
Father Daughter Picture Books
Great picture books fathers can read to their daughters Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale by Mo Willems Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs? by Carmela Coyle Owl Moon by Jane Yolen Homemade Love by Bell Hooks When I Was a Girl . . . I Dreamed by Margaret Baker Clara and ASHA by Eric Rohmann Daddy Mountain by Jules Feiffer and Many Moons by James Thurber.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Mr Short Shorts
Two employees notice the return of a Books are Beautiful all dayer
James- Your boyfriends back and he's wearing the orange ones again.
Tamika- eww, Why must you say that every time
James- Your reaction helps supplement my minimum wage. And it looks like Mr Short Shorts
shorts are shorter again. What do you think?
Tamika- I'll take your word for it.
James- He's probably succeeded in killing all his baby makers
Tamika- eww, there is a line you know.
James- (takes two steps back draws a line with his foot) Do you ever wonder how it started? Was he on the wrestling team or track team. Or maybe an ex-girlfriend liked men in Short Shorts. It had to start somewhere its not like he came out of the womb wearing short shorts
Tamika- eww, there's a line, remember the line. I was planning on eating lunch today
James- Oh you'll be fine. Don't you ever wonder about Mr Short Shorts.
Tamika- No, I try not to think about any of the all dayers.
James- I do too. I am just trying to understand why a grown man would wear short shorts. I am tempted to take his picture will my cell and show him what we see. Because obliviously his mirror is showing him what he looked like 10 yrs ago.
Tamika- You shouldn't even be looking at him. Mr Short Shorts does not exist in my world. I've learned not to see him. The only way you'll survive at Books are Beautiful is to ignore the all dayers.
James- I am only fascinated by Mr Short Shorts
Tamika- Sure now, but if you're not careful you'll start wondering why no bra lady always has a Victoria Secret bag or why Corn Feet always takes off his shoes.
James- But just tell me why a grown man would wear short shorts
Tamika- I don't know, unfortunately all I can tell you for sure is don't ask why.
The Regulars The Other Side
Yesterday one of my regular families came in, a mother ,her daughter who is in high school and her son who is in middle school. The daughter reads alot. I have to make sure I am up on whats new so I can have some recommendations ready. The boy gets books as well but yesterday was the first time he ever came back excited about a book. He loved Hunger Games its his new favorite book. His mother told me he wrote up a review about it for school and lent his copy to a friend.
The regulars always make my day better. When I can I spend a little more time with them because I am fostering a relationship, so we will be their bookstore of choice. When I don't have as much time as I would like the regulars always understand.
I like when a parent comes back and says their son or daughter loved the book I recommended. Or my child never liked reading before. I always try to match up a child with the right book. So the feedback makes me feel good. Though I will continue with an occasional rant and more Books are Beautiful I just wanted everyone to know there is another side.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Clique on Nightline
A New Books Are Beautiful Policy
Attention Books are Beautiful employees, the Shrink wrapped and over $50 corner (SWOC) is now complete. Effective immediately customers will have to give a $5 non refundable deposit to browse these titles. If they decide to purpose the item, the five dollars will go towards the purchase price. However, if the customer decides not to get the item they will have 60 days to spend the deposit on a item of their choice. There are three chairs in the SWOC, if a customer wants to take an item out of this designated area they must leave a picture ID. An employee will be staffed in this area to help customers at all times. Please rewrap all refused items and feel free to call a manager if there are any problems.
James is stationed at SWOC,
James- Hi, how can I help you today.
Customer- I want to look at a new cookbook, customer service sent me here.
James- Okay, what's the title?
Customer- Fancy Holiday Tables
James- Ah yes Fancy Holiday Tables is $70 and we have one copy
Customer- Well I want to see it
James- (I am going to enjoy this) Sure thing, I just need a $5 non refundable deposit
Customer- What a deposit? What are you talking about a deposit? I've never had to do this before
James- We have a new policy a $5 non refundable deposit is now required to look at any shrink wrapped book over $50 dollars .
Customer -I've been shopping at this bookstore since it opened. I've always just come in and taken the books off the shelves.
James ( looks to make sure no ones around, leans in to whisper ) You may not believe this but some people would take 3 or 4 of these books unwrap them and sit in chair for hours reading with no intention of buying. Its the truth I swear. We'd even find crumbs in a few, and greasy fingerprints on others. These people have ruined it for everyone else. This policy is to ensure that we have quality merchandise available for loyal customers like yourself. The five dollars deposit will go toward the purchase price of the item.
Customer- Well I don't even know if I want to get Fancy Holiday Tables. That's why I want to look at it
James ( I got you now) If you decide not to get the book, you have 60 days to spend the five dollars on an item of your choice.
Customer- What if I don't want anything? Can I get the five dollars back?
James- Unfortunately not Ma'am its a non refundable deposit
Customer- What if I can't find anything?
James- You have 60 days
Customer- Well I don't have any cash right now
James- I also accept credit cards and checks
Customer- I don't want to charge five dollars to my credit card and I don't use checks. Can you make an exception just this once
James- Unfortunately not Ma'am.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Curse of Cuddle Mcgee Emily Ecton

Today was a long day
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hip Hop Speaks to Children Nikki Giovanni

Longer more substantial post can be found elsewhere including Shelf Elf , Fuse#8 and BC magazine .I have seen more reviews of this book but three links is all you're getting, and really one is all you need. Its all pretty much the same, nothing but love for Hip Hop Speaks to Children.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Boycott Blues Andrea Davis Pinkney Brian Pinkney

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Don't Vote Spread The Word
I was tagged by Apryl from Women Like Sports., to post the Don't Vote Video. In the past few weeks I've been stopped by 3 or 4 people at various places who are registering people to vote. In many states, people are already casting their votes. Early voter turn out is at an all time high. So there is really no reason why anyone over the age of 18 and felony free not to vote in this election. I vote because its my right. I vote because I should. I vote because its easy. I vote because that wasn't always so. I vote because I don't want to shut up. If I don't cast a vote I've said nothing. If I've said nothing I can't complain and that just won't do. Come election day, if you're in a long slow moving line remember your reasons for voting, and do not leave that line. Bring a book, ipod, sudoku, something the line will move quicker. Your suppose to tag five more people to post this and they tag 5 and on and on, but I'll just tagging three and claiming Apryl's extras has my own
Tag Your it
Toni James Preller Keri Mikulski
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Today on the Train
Monday, October 6, 2008
Little Divas Philana Marie Boles

Life is changing for 12 yr old Cassidy Carter. Since her parents divorced Cassidy's mom wants to try new things. She joins people for peace, going to Africa for a year. Cassidy will be moving in with her dad. Cassidy's best friend is her cousin, Rikki. Little Divas is the summer before seventh grade. Its a busy summer. Cassidy adjust to living with her dad, keeping a journal for when her mom comes home. Cassidy worries about her dad sending her to private school. She can't imagine going to the same junior high school as her archenemy Lane Benson, without Rikki at her side. Cassidy goes to her first boy/girl pool party kissing a boy for the first time. Golden, a new girl moves next door to Cassidy, Rikki resist at first but the three become friends.
"Mary buys us peach jolly ranchers, watermelon hubba bubba, wet n wild glitter fingernail polish (and remover to erase the evidence) Teen Vogue, Seventeen and YM magazines, playing cards, and grape lip smackers to store inside our contraband box." Mary also give them some great sisterly advice like making a boy work like Paul Bunyan to get a whiff of their perfume.
Boles has written a great story many girls can relate to. If anybody knows the author, please let her know I am still patiently waiting for another Little Divas book.
"In the tradition of Judy Blume and Alice Naylor, Bole's first novel for youth is joyful, honest story of girls friendship, family and love" - ALA Booklist
Dark Dude Oscar Hijuelos

Time to share
Rico tries to join an after school club
"One afternoon I left school late. I'd just tried to join the ASPIRA club, which was for Latino students, but as soon as I had walked in, it took me about thirty seconds to change my mind. The kid behind the desk gave me an up and down that said, What are you doing here. And so I walked right out, not wanting to explain a single thing about myself. Why should I have to?"
Rico and Jimmy are picked up by an angry black man
"And while I thought about telling our driver that I had cousins in Cuba who were as black as himself, with all shades of color running through the past generations of my family, and that I knew all kinds of nice black folks even if I had my share of hassles, I doubted that he would have believed me. Then, as he went on about white devils, it hit me that the only reason he had picked us up was to torture us with his nasty feelings. Like that was my kind of luck."
Hijuelos was awarded the Pulitzer prize in 1990, Dark Dude is his first novel for teens. In the back of the book there is a note to the reader from Atheneum publishers. It basically says they plan to offer more Latino literature for young adult readers.
The tail end of the note
"We believe that the Latino community - so diverse in tradition , cultural sensibility, historical pacing, race and religion is renewing the American spirit. We invite you to share with us in celebrating our new venture."
I didn't find anything else about this at Atheneum website but I did find this Voices in First Person: Reflections on Latino IdentityEdited by Lori Marie Carlson
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Pro Green
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Come Sip My Margarita
Come Sip My Margarita- Another Unfortunate skit
Tamika - Hi, how are you doing today?
Customer- Feeling cleansed, clean and with it. My body clock and I are clicking again
Tamika- Well thats good
Customer- Yes it is. Returned from a bitchin world experience.
Tamika- (he's kind of fun, and this better than busy work) Welcome back
Customer- Dude there is so much out there.
Tamika - Where did you go?
Customer- Everywhere my body heard the call. My travel tops were Australia, New Zealand Brazil and Thailand. Everywhere I went the people were so welcoming. I needed to step away from my life, regain core control. I was so bad off at the beginning you could smell my melancholy. Brazil was my first stop and I went into a little dump of a bar with a few locals, the bartender kept looking at me funny. I thought he wanted to kick my non Brazilian ass. (slight laugh), Nadel and I are friends for life now
Tamika ( I am going to call you Matthew in my head. I really like you Matthew) What did Nadel do?
Customer - I knew you would ask. You give off this wise vibe and only the wise question. Nadel came over to me and said "Come sip my Margarita." Those four words help me reestablish core control. It sounds strange I know but Nadel is gifted in the ways of the margarita. There are many margaritas for our many moods. Nadel said he felt my sadness, and knew I needed to slow sip a cool mango margarita. I didn't want to offend Nadel but of course he was still the bartender at the time, so I took the drink. When I got that first taste of mango and ice life didn't seem so bad. I stayed in that bar all night and that is way I am here today. I promised Nadel when I got back to the states I'd find a book on how to make proper margaritas.
Tamika- (walking Matthew to beverage section) You've inspired me to drink more margaritas, and I just got a new blender.
Customer - Yes to more margaritas, no to the blender. Nadel says a true margarita never sees the inside of a blender. In order to benefit from the magic that is a margarita the process must be all natural. No blender no mix.
Tamika- No blender, no mix, thanks for sharing
Customer- I always share with those who will listen. I am no Nadel but I feel you would do well to drink a strawberry margarita. It will help ease some of that work tension.
Tamika- You're not suppose to see that
Customer- I won't tell
Tamika- Thanks, here are the drink books. I guess I have to get back to work
Customer- Really
Tamika- Unfortunately, but I hope you find the perfect margarita book
Customer- I will
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tell the World Writerscorps

Tell The World Who We Are
Tea Cake (an excerpt)
i'm like a modern-day Tea Cake
my mom named me Michael Newby
but i'm better known as Prince Akzionz
smooth with his words as i am in composition
to top it all off both of us are musicians
live my life for the moment no set goals or missions the whole world
hip hop complex young guys with free spirits
don't turn away from nothing we accept it as it happens
life on improv like freestyle rappin
or freestyle actin
but it's all reality no dvd on pause
the perfect man for Janey even in my flaws
by Michael Newby, 17
Tell the World What We Love
Rules Are Simply (an excerpt)
rules are simply broken locks on open doors meant to
be ignored
written in a text that is easily erased and replaced
let's work thru those doors into a hidden world
of temporary ecstasy that envelopes every dream
and desire we've never had the chance to achieve
let's taste the sweetness of the "should nots" and
"don't you evers" as we fulfill them
rules are simply ideas created by bland minds
that crave a softer touch than I possess
by Liana Castro, 17
Tell the World Why We Hope
Anger & Poetry
Anger is like breaking
all the plates
and ripping out
the windows.
Poetry is like seeing
the whole world
by Alma Garcia, 12
Some teens may think poetry is for yesterday or someone else. This collection will change there minds. There is no pressure, no lines to analyze, they can simply pick a poem at will. Tell the World may inspire a few teens to pick up a pen. If nothing else they will at least know its an option.
Tell The World will be released Oct. 14